The Ordo Templi Orientis YouTube channel has uploaded a new video, the “We Antichrists” lecture presented by Dionysius Rogers. This online talk was originally hosted by the Education Committee of O.T.O. USA. The posted description says:
“Order leadership and senior initiates have been at justifiable pains to distinguish Thelema from vulgar Satanism. At the same time, it is undeniable that an antichristian impulse was inherent in the work of our Prophet, who called himself both an atheist and “the truest of all Christians.” This presentation will discuss the development of the concept of antichrist throughout the Old Aeon, and its fulfillment in Thelema. It will include a survey of the Thelemic Saints and heroes who have been recognized as antichrists, as well as a discussion of the sources and expressions of Aleister Crowley’s opposition to Christianity, and it will culminate with an appeal to the ‘inner antichrist’ of each Thelemite.”
Have a listen – it’s the first file in the “Uploads” section: