On Sunday, September 23, William Blake Lodge in the Valley of Baltimore will host a presentation by Soror Hypathia, The Delicious Languor of the Magical Retirement.
Sept. – Oct. 2006 saw the manifestation of Sr. Hypathia’s vision to complete a magical retreat lasting a lunar month. This lecture discusses the scheduling, design, and implementation of the process that led to the ritual, and how a modern magician may realize a similar aspiration in their own spiritual development. From funding the time off work to hot outfits for sex magick to the strict daily discipline of the Work itself, this lecture explores the beauty of creating space for a break in one’s life as well as the strength it takes to pull off a major magical operation. For all levels.
Soror Hypathia (or Tau Asteria) has been a member of Ordo Templi Orientis since 1995. She served as Master of William Blake Lodge from 2001 – 2008 and USGL EGC Secretary from 2008 – 2011. Presently, she serves in the capacities of Sovereign Grand Inspector General, High Priestess of Infinite Stars Chapter of Rose Croix, and a member of the USGL Supreme Grand Council. As a speaker, she has lectured on topics including the Gnostic Mass, Tarot, astrology, initiation, ritual construction, pentagram rituals, fund raising, and event management. She has been interviewed for the Stooping Starlight podcast and has presented at OTO bodies all over the US. Internationally, she has lectured in Dublin, Sydney, Oslo, Vancouver, and London.
The talk begins at 5:30 pm Eastern Time; doors open at 5:00pm (immediately after the celebration of the Gnostic Mass). Admission is only $15. For directions and other information, please see the William Blake Lodge website.