The Boleskine House Foundation would like YOUR participation in a letter writing campaign to spare the forests in the vicinity of Boleskine House. Their letter reads:
CALL TO URGENT ACTION!! There are plans in consultation for the felling of hundreds of acres of trees at Boleskine. We need your help NOW to save this landscape. This is URGENT by 15 December!!!
Forestry and Land Scotland are consulting on the logging of all areas around Boleskine coloured on this map. The colours show the time periods for logging. They propose to log the trees right up to the perimeter of our land, within meters of the historic B listed Boleskine House. Yes that’s right, if approved you will stand at Boleskine House and look out and see a wasteland which was once a beautiful forest.
Our beautiful natural habitats will be disturbed. A semi ancient forest lost. The peace and tranquility of our area destroyed for decades.
We have until 15 December to object. They own 4,389 hectares of land, we just ask that trees with a 2 mile radius of our historic landscape be preserved, particularly as an estate open to the public.
Help us object and send an email. Draft in the comments and below. PLEASE URGENTLY SHARE this and help us fight for our future!!!
Proposals can be viewed here:…/south-loch-ness-lmp
Please email:
Subject: Objection to logging at Boleskine House
Dear Mr Reid
I am writing to object to the South Loch Ness land management plan and the proposal for the felling of trees.
Boleskine is a historic area of great importance. It is open to the public and is a community asset. You propose to log trees right up to the boundary of the land owned by the charity. This destruction is unacceptable.
I ask that no trees within a 2 mile radius of Boleskine House be included in the felling proposals.
Yours sincerely