Hadean Press Podcast Speaks With Vanessa Irena

The Hadean Press podcast has posted a new episode, speaking with Vanessa Irena, author of Ecstasy, A devotional guide to the female mystics.’

Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d41qbpVPErc.

The posted description says:

Vanessa and I discuss her personal experience of negotiating and re-contextualising her relationship with Catholicism, specifically by exploring the female mystics of medieval Europe. Vanessa’s work offers us a unique window into a living and enfleshed Christian experience, which, far from denying the material body, is instead vitalised within it, as the vehicle through which divinity is experienced. This is a queer, erotic and transgressive mysticism, centred upon the women who reclaimed their autonomy from the strictures of medieval society and independently explored the divine to become some of the most phenomenal women in European history.

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