If we were sane, we’d be taking the day off like the rest of y’all. But dirt-dig we must! However, it ain’t gonna be profound so… HERE’S A ITEM ABOUT GOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I do realize, as Richard Kaczynski points out in his Advanced Initiation training, the OTO did NOT invent the “goat joke.” So here’s an account of someone who participate in a Goat Yoga class, that took place in Quakertown PA no less which is also home to the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis (Clymber’s organization – which holds the copyrights to P.B. Randolph’s writings) http://www.soul.org/; past residents have told us that they have some very cool pyramids at their compound so you could make the trip out there worthwhile by doing Goat Yoga AND THEN hitting the FRS estate. ANYWAY, here’s an excerpt from the goat story:
“The premise of the program was fairly straightforward. The class put on by Water and Rock Studio, which runs every Sunday through July 23rd, would be your standard yoga situation –– sun salutations, warrior twos, attention to breathing –– only students would spread out their mats in the tall grasses of an animal enclosure, not a studio. Similar routine, mostly the same goal: oneness with nature, but also with domesticated infant pygmy goats.”
Read the whole jawn:
This is another Soror Amy tip!