For all of you already nostalgic for this years’s NOTOcon, you can comfort yourself with the recently published collection of presentations from the preceding Convention. The posted description says:
Fear Not At All presents a fearless selection of papers from the twelfth biennial National Ordo Templi Orientis Conference (NOTOCON) of the United States Grand Lodge of O.T.O., held in the Valley of Cleveland, Ohio, in 2019 EV. The papers in this volume cover a range of esoteric subjects including a dive into Egyptian magick, and an even deeper dive into the magical formula of ON; meditations on light and shadow, beauty and truth; encouragement for women and gender minority leaders in O.T.O. with reflections on doing so in the age of #MeToo; celebrations of wine and the UnConventional; and historical detective work from the Pasquaney Lake cottage where Crowley wrote his work on astrology, to the whereabouts of Crowley’s crate of rariora long-lost in a Detroit warehouse. The theme of “Fear not at all” (Liber AL III:17) is highlighted in Soror Helena’s opening remarks, Deputy Grand Master Lon Milo DuQuette’s always entertaining stories, and the keynote address by U.S. National Grand Master Sabazius. Together these papers represent some of best modern practical and scholarly work available on Ordo Templi Orientis, Thelema, and the magick of Aleister Crowley.
The first NOTOCON conference took place in 1997 EV in Akron, Ohio, and has since been held on alternate years in different cities around the United States. Fear Not at All is the seventh collection of papers from the national conference to be made available, following the inaugural volume Beauty & Strength for the 2007 EV conference.
Ordo Templi Orientis is an international fraternal order of men and women devoted to the pursuit of individual liberty, the
study of magick, and the promulgation of the Law of Thelema. Founded in the early twentieth century, it has been shaped by such leading lights as Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer and Grady Louis McMurtry.