Seeking Different Approaches to Thelema

Brandy Williams

In Patheos Star and Snake, Sister Brandy Williams writes about her experiences with Thelemic groups other than Ordo Templi Orientis, as a woman and as an activist. She makes a number of valid reasons for seeking more than one viewpoint.

She notes her own prejudices:

There are good reasons I hadn’t sought out other groups. Thelemites hold strong opinions, some of which can be very sexist. One online discussion seriously considered whether women have souls! My fellow order members may disagree with each other but there is an expectation of civil and respectful discourse. Being an outspoken woman makes me a target and I have been defended by brothers and sisters who stood up for my right to speak. Also, the O.T.O. is one of the biggest Thelemic organizations with a very public presence, and internet forums are filled with former members and others who offer bitter criticisms to any member who sticks our head up.

Also of note:

You would think that a spiritual philosophy which specifically centers the sovreignity of the individual would be impervious to the human tendency to try to control other people, but it turns out that Thelemites are as susceptible to power-hunger as any other body politic. We even have lineage wars.

Read the whole essay: The Value of Diversity in Thelema


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