Today is the anniversary of the death of Pascal Beverly Randolph, the Afro-American occultist who some credit as the father of modern ceremonial magick. Some would say is major achievement is from transitioning from the passive mediumship that was pro forma in th 19th century and developing methodology for controlling communication with discarnate entities. He also propounded theories of sex magick that predate Crowley's. Here's an excerpt from his book Eulis!: "Sex is a thing of Soul; most people think it but a mere matter of earthly form and physical structure.2 True, there are some unsexed Souls ; some no sex at all, and others still claiming one gender, and manifesting its exact opposite. But its laws, offices, utilities, and its deeper and diviner meanings are sealed books to all but about two in a million; yet they ought to ha^e the attentive study of every rational human being, every aspirant to Immortality beyond the grave."