A Trans-State Conference Scrapbook

This passed weekend, Northampton, England was the site of the Trans-State conference. The local paper The Northampton News described the conference thusly:

“The Trans-States conference aims to explore representations in contemporary visual culture of boundary crossing, liminality and queerification and will have a particular focus on occultism, mysticism, shamanism and other esoteric and spiritual practices.

“The conference aims not only to blend disciplines, but has encouraged non-normative approaches to the theme.

“The participants will be a mix of academics, students, practitioners, artists and independent scholars and the conference will comprise of papers, discussion panels, workshops, performance art and an exhibition.”

Read more here: http://www.northampton-news-hp.co.uk/alan-moore-to-speak-at-university-of-northampton-conference/story-29689783-detail/story.html#MpyjFlYEpZZMiFKQ.01

Conference organizers recently posted nearly a 100 shots from the conference on their FB page:


And here’s some pictures from Richard Kaczynski’s FB feed:



Outstanding conference organizer Cavan McLaughlin, and keynote speakers Marco Pasi, Alan Moore, and Richard Kaczynski. The fourth keynote, Patricia MacCormack, had to depart early.


Richard getting his advance reading copy of Jerusalem signed.


“Very pleased to have gotten my copy of Jerusalem signed today by Alan Moore at the Trans- States conference.

“One of the points he made in his keynote was that the ‘magical’ has been apportioned over the centuries to priests, artists, writers, musicians and even scientists, and that modern magicians need to reclaim the scattered pieces of their craft. This made me think in a whole new way about the story of Isis re-membering Osiris, or redeeming shards of the broken vessel in Lurianic Kabbalah.”

photos by Soror Hypatia

Frater Lux Ad Mundi


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