Fascinum – Flying Weinie Amulets

Atlas Obscura just published a piece on phallic amulets utilized as prophylactics for children. The piece is illustrated with photos of antique specimens of same from the British Museum that in the 19th century fueled the imaginations of mystic theorists like Hargrave Jennings, Richard Payne Knight etc. and their pioneering works on Solar Phallic worship that then influenced the founders of Ordo Templi Orientis and later initiates thereunto like Alec Crowley. In part the article states:

“Centuries ago, before modern medicine, in a time when humans fought disease and sickness in more, uh, mystical ways, ancient Romans centered on a solution that today might get you reported, or at least looked at askance: amulets for you and your children shaped like giant penises. The amulets—and also, frequently, wind chimes—were shaped like a fascinum, or a divine penis, to ward off disease and the evil eye.”

meanwhile Wikipedia gives this etymology of fascinum:

“The English word ‘fascinate’ ultimately derives from Latin fascinum and the related verb fascinare, ‘to use the power of the fascinus,’ that is, ‘to practice magic’ and hence ‘to enchant, bewitch.’ Catullus uses the verb at the end of Carmen 7, a hendecasyllabic poem addressing his lover Lesbia; he expresses his infinite desire for kisses that cannot be counted by voyeurs nor ‘fascinated’ (put under a spell) by a malicious tongue; such bliss, as also in Carmen 5, potentially attracts invidia.[15]

and as a bonus, here’s the wikipedia etymology for “fascist”:

“The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio meaning a bundle of rods, ultimately from the Latin word fasces.[14] This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates and at first applied mainly to organisations on the political Left. In 1919, Benito Mussolini founded the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Milan, which became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) two years later. The Fascists came to associate the term with the ancient Roman fasces or fascio littorio[15]—a bundle of rods tied around an axe,[16] an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate[17] carried by his lictors, which could be used for corporal and capital punishment at his command.[18][19]

hey – this says “bundle or RODS” – uh heh, heh, heh (sayeth the Great Cornholio)



thanks to Soror Hypatia for the tip!


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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