NOTOCON X Kicks Off Today! Busy Schedule!

Today marks the first day of Notocon with a series of Salons and lectures as well as meetings of various governing bodies of the U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis followed by an opening reception. The days to follow feature still more presentations, book signings, a celebration of the Gnostic Mass, a group luncheon and formal dinner. And we’ll be there in the thick of it, perhaps reporting, or perhaps just reveling in the fellowship and fun! Here’s a brief listing of the schedule of events. If you visit the schedule posted at the website []clicking on any of these listings will give you an expanded view and detailed description of that event in question.
Friday, August 14
 10:30am – Modern & Free Santeria – Frater Palamedes Ardentis
 1:30pm – They shall not harm ye at all. – Sr. Marita
 3:00pm – Salon – How to create a very inexpensive, portable Gnostic Temple that can fit into a station wagon – Beverly & Holly Stuart
 4:00pm – The Way of the Will: The Oasis of our Order – IAO131
 5:00pm- The O.T.O. Outside of the United States; Grand Lodges, international O.T.O. Bodies, and Members Currently Without Local Bodies – by Sister Jessica & Brother Will
 7:30pm – Opening Reception
Saturday, August 15
9:00am – Embodying Thelema: The Conscious Care and Feeding of a Thelemite – Soror LyraSolis & Soror Mackay
 9:00am –  Protecting Your Promulgation Intellectual Property Basics for Thelemic publications, podcasts, plays and more! – Kittie Palakovich
 9:00am –  “A Womb of Fire”: Ritual, Initiation, and Transformation – Br. Grant Potts
 10:30am –  Salon – Man of Earth Delegates – Frater Devarha
0:30am – Salon – Man of Earth Delegates – Frater Devarha Lux (Br. Fred), Sister Jessica & Brother Shaun
10:30am –  Developing a Life-Long Magickal Practice – Leanne Mason Berry
 10:30am-  LeaderShip – What Is It? – James McL. (Fr. do)
 10:30am –  Living Thelema: Outside the Temple – David Shoemaker
1:30pm- Knowledge of the Conversation (Communicating with the Inner Magician) – James McL. (Fr. do)
 1:30pm – The Magick of Feasting for Magicians – Sister Lita-Luise Chappell
1:30pm – The Secret Chiefs and the Interior Church – M. Dionysius Rogers
 1:30pm –  Whores, Witches, Amazons, and the Grand Dames of Wine – Ixel Balamke & Fr. Hunahpu – SOLD OUT
3:00pm – Salon – The Flame of the Hearts: Thelemic Poetry Reading – Frater Palamedes Ardentis
 3:00pm –  Elemental Tarot Atus and Liber 231 – Bob Stein
 3:00pm- Polarities and Syntheses in Magick: Gender and Beyond – Miriam BatAsherah Green
 3:00pm-  Words of Power; Glamouring The Profane Media – Frater Lux Ad Mundi
 7:00pm – Formal Banquet & Reception
Sunday, August 16
 9:00am- Choose ye an island! – Colin Campbell
 9:00am – Planetary Alchemy – Fr. ALP LV & Soror Lilya
 9:00am-  The Torch-Bearer in the Underworld: A View of Hekate from a Thelemic Perspective – Fr. Aristaeus Phosphoros
 10:00am- Salon – By popular demand, a repeat of How to create a very inexpensive, portable Gnostic Temple that can fit into a station wagon – Beverly & Holly Stuart
 10:30am – Aleister Crowley on Death: Philosophical, Technical and Practical Aspects – Richard Kaczynski
 10:30am – Babalon and the Beast: The Rise and Fall of Leah Hirsig, from Scarlet Woman to Babalon to the “dusk wet streets” – Michael Kolson
 10:30am-   The 20th Century Rosicrucian Conflict: Lewis, Clymer, and OTO – Dr. David Hill
 1:30pm –  Salon – Stitch & Bitch or Wine & Line – Hattie Quinn
 1:30pm – Death, Bereavement, and Thelema – Br. Terry Murdock
 1:30pm- Raising Young Stars in the Æon of the Child – Michael Rogers, et. al.
 1:30pm-  The O.T.O. III° Initiation: History, Development and Parallels – Richard Kaczynski
 4:30pm –  Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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