Recently canonized Gnostic Saint, Paschal Beverly Randolph died in 1875, the same year that the Theosophical Society was formally inaugurated and that the Prophet of the Lovely Star was born. Some occult history buffs may know that he was buried in Toledo, OH, most likely are not aware that his mortal remains were exhumed, transported to Quakertown, PA and reburied on the grounds of the Beverly Hall Corporation. I didn’t know this till being tipped off by our beloved OHO, Hymenaeus Beta. You can find a biographical sketch and basic details on the disposition of his remains here:
The Beverly Hall Corporation’s page on the website states: “The Beverly Hall Corporation was formally established in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on March 21, 1921 as a non-profit, religious and educational corporation. Its mission is to carry out the religious and administrative activities of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis and its subsidiaries…”
The homepage claims: “During the Civil War this Great Council [of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis – editor] was composed of Paschel Beverly Randolph, General Ethan Allen Hitchcock and Abraham Lincoln.”
This link leads to the page dedicated to Randolph: