Symposium On André Breton Magic Art

To celebrate Fulgur Press’ publication of the first English translation of Magic Art by André Breton, the founder and principal theorist of Surrealism there’ll be a launch event at Warburg Institute, London, Saturday November 2nd, 2024. The posted description says

In collaboration with the Warburg Institute, Fulgur Press is pleased to host a special one-day symposium to celebrate the first English publication of André Breton’s L’Art magique. Tickets are £15.00 (£10.00 with concessions) and available via the Warburg Institute website: click here for more details.

The event will take place in the newly refurbished premises, and will include a talk exploring the genesis of L’Art magique (Robert Shehu-Ansell) presentations from artists whose work is infused with magic (Jesse Bransford, Elijah Burgher, Judith Noble and Nooka Shepherd) followed by a round table discussion, and a talk from surrealism scholar Will Atkin (Courtauld Institute) exploring the relevance of magic art today.

Refreshments and an evening wine reception are included.

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