Paris’ Centre Pompidou published an extensive new article on Surrealist painter and esotericist Ithell Colquhoun. An excerpt reads:
“Colquhoun’s spiritual quest encompassed a wide range of esoteric traditions, including alchemy, magic, Rosicrucianism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Tarot, astrology, Theosophy, Christian mysticism, and Celtic lore. This profound engagement with the occult, which began at the Slade when she immersed herself in mystical circles like the Quest Society, infused her artwork, poetry, and essays with arcane significance. By the 1950s, Colquhoun’s associations extended to Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis and Kenneth Grant’s New Isis Lodge. The 1960s saw her involvement with the Druid Order, the Ancient Celtic Church, and various Masonic lodges, culminating in her ordination as a Priestess of Isis by the Fellowship of Isis in 1977. “
Read the whole schmear: