This Year’s Magickal Women Conference

The third in person Magickal Women Conference will be held in Birmingham England at the Birmingham & Midland Institute the weekend of June 22/23.

The event website states:

“The Magickal Women Conference brings together academics, independent researchers, practitioners, artists, authors, and other creators to share their wisdom and knowledge in an array of events, both live and online. Our previous events can be found at the bottom of this page; our current events can be found here.”

On Facebook they announced:

“We pay homage to the women of the past who challenged the status quo by embracing mysticism, esotericism, and occult teachings, and to those who continue those rich traditions through lived practice, performance, and adeptship. We honour all women, whether female by birth or not; please read our statement on trans women, non-binary and other gender-variant identities here.

“Our Guest of Honour in 2024 is none other than Caitlín Matthews, a writer, singer and teacher whose ground-breaking work has introduced many to the riches of our western spiritual heritage. Our Artist-in-Residence is Charlotte Rodgers, an artist and author who is also an animist and nondenominational practising witch and magickian. Our Storyteller-in-Residence is Elizabeth Jane Lovely, an artist whose experimentation encompasses the written form, oral storytelling, ceremonial chant, and spell speaking. They are joined by 22 other speakers, covering a diverse range of topics, with some returning to the conference and some new to our event.”

The full presenter line- up is:

Opening lecture by Guest of Honour: Caitlín Matthews

Dr Camilla Mørk Røstvik: ‘Hag Mountain’: A History of the Absence of Witch-Hunt Memorials in Kristiansand, Norway (or, why Kristiansand is not Salem)

Hayleigh Morrow: Disability and Magic

Alexandra Fohat: Spinning the Babalon Star: A woman’s journey in Crowley’s O.T.O.

Workshop: Sarah Featherstone: Creative Portals Workshop

Workshop: Fleur Shearman: Be your own Muse!: a magical miscellany continued…

Workshop: Runa Hamilton: Tarot as Spiritual self-development

Giulia Turolla: Some Like it Raw: Maenadism and Female Ecstasy in Ancient Greece

Keziah Gibbons: Honouring the Ancestors

Melinda Reidinger: The White Deer: Ecospirituality & the Mythic

Artist-in-Residence: Charlotte Rodgers

Cristina Pandolfo: Plant Spirit witchcraft

Sarah Bellisario: The Art of Making Magic: art as a force of magickal re-imagining

Workshop: Elisabeth Brooke: Magical Herbalism: A Workshop

Workshop: K. A Laity: Magic Hath Ravished Me: A Ritual About the Drama of Ritual

Workshop: Maria Hummer: Using Folklore and Magic to Inspire Creative Writing

Emma Kathryn: The Intersection of Identity & Magic – How to Incorporate All of Who You Are into Your Practice

Sara Mastros: Sarah Tzvi: The Prophetess from Podolia

Idlu Lili: The Blood of the Moon: Lilith & the Mystery of Menstruants

Sasha Ravitch: “What Hath Quenched Them Hath Given Me Fire”: Toward an Experimental Shakespearean Witchcraft

Sian Sibley: The Ecology of Witchcraft

Briar: L’Arbre-aux-Dames : Joan of Arc as Saint of the French Fairy Faith

Mary D’Alba: Empower Yourself with Santa Muerte

Úna Maria Blythe: Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women

Storyteller-in-Residence: Elizabeth Jane Lovely

For more information:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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