Symposium Khthonia To Be Held in L.A. in November

Symposium Khthonia will be held November 10-12 this year at The Crooked Path, 2020 West Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91506. The posted description says:

Our annual Symposium has moved to Los Angeles and has also moved to November. We’ll be hosting multiple authors, instructors and practitioners that will be sharing their knowledge through discussions, workshops, and rituals.

Confirmed speakers/presenters include Jeff Cullen, Jack Grayle, Juelz Cullen, Allan Spiers, Tony Mierzwicki, Harper Feist, Shea Bilé, Ran, Sal Santoro, Scarlett Amaris and Rayleen Peralta!


Jack Grayle Hekstasy: Into The Liminal

Harper Feist Hekate Ochetos: The Passage

Harper Feist Toys of Torment and Transcendence

Jeff Cullen Summoning Hekate Einalia: Meeting Hekate in the Deep

Tony Mierzwicki Venerating Ancient Greek Deities

Tony Mierzwicki Hekate’s Benevolent Aspect

Ran Northern Underworld Divination 

Ran Divination Ritual

Shea Bilé By Horn, Hoof, and Crown: Ritual Acts of Devotion in Modern Diabolism

Shea Bilé In the Hands of the Violent Divine: Radical Acts of Transgressive Ritual Magick


Jeff Cullen Witch Bottles & Spell Jars: The Power of Container Magic

Allan Spiers

The Art of Devotion: Making Spirituality Work for YOU!

Allan Spiers Of Poppets and Pins: Working The Doll

Juelz Cullen Making Witch’s Powder

Juelz Cullen Making Unguents

Scarlett Amaris Guided Visualization

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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