418 Oasis, O.T.O. is hosting a presentation by Thelema, NOW! host Harper Feist on The Headless Rite to Liber Samekh. The posted description says:
This presentation discusses the evolution of the late Classical exorcism known currently as the Headless Rite to Liber Samekh, a Thelemic ritual to facilitate achievement of Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. The talk will focus on the meaning and translational history of the Headless Rite and the fact that the original ritual is very similar to a neo-Platonic theurgic exercise. This current is especially palpable in Samekh, one of the most important of Crowley’s contributions to the Thelemic canon.
Event is Thursday, February 16th at 5 PM PST.
Cost is $10-$30 suggested donation amount (to help us with our new temple fund and to continue putting on events like these!). This can be made through PayPal on
418lodge.org or through
These new YouTube videos would be informative on the source ritual from the PGM:
Over 3 hours with a specialist on ancient texts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4iIFDh1puk
A shorter video made before the more informative video above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI41hfd8CXE