Trolls Besides Facebook’s

Scarlet Imprint is announcing plans for a new publication this coming Fall, Trollrun by Nicholaj Frisvol. The publisher’s website says:

“We are delighted to announce a new title by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold, which joins a host of other works in preparation. Trollrún will be published in Autumn 2019. Trollrún: A discourse on trolldom and runes in the Northern tradition Image © Childerico Image © Childerico Frisvold returns to his roots with a comprehensive new work on the Northern tradition of trolldom. Introduced by Johannes B. Gårdbäck and with a preface by Claude Lecouteux, Trollrún covers runes, seidr, mythology, the Norse gods and godesses, gandr (curses) and blót (sacrifice); but crucially, elements practically unknown to outsiders, such as trollblot, nature spirits, and star and herbal lore. The Scandinavian premodern worldview included the trolldom and folk magic traditions which were discarded by the Germanic sturm und drang movement and the nineteenth century revival, which focussed instead on the aesir. The Northern folk magic tradition shown by Frisvold in Trollrún is radically different; he takes the cunning perspective, revealing the elder faith and its sorcerous arts, including the use of Black Books, Faust Books and Cyprians. Thick with spells, sympathies, lore and wisdom, Trollrún is an important text which sings with the magic of the North.”

For more information visit:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

One Comment

  1. I’ll have to look into this one later on.

    For a good analysis of the runes, check out Collin Cleary’s “Summoning The Gods”. The work as a whole was pretty mediocre and all-over-the-place, but the chapter on runes was very enlightening.

    Varg Vikernes‘ 2011 work “Religion And Sorcery In Ancient Scandinavia” (which also contains a large chapter on the runes) and his newer “Reflections on European Mythology And Polytheism” were also very comprehensive— if you’re able to separate the objective historical information therein from his tendency to interject his own opinions and speculations, which’s something he’s known for. Stay away from his terrible “Paganism Explained” series though.

    Stephen McNallen’s “Asatru: A Native European Spirituality” was also surprisingly good and delves a bit into rune rituals.

    It’s odd that Crowley never, to my knowledge, wrote much about the runes. Though, some have made speculations based on “Aiwass” being similar sounding to the rune “eihwaz”

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