Thus Spake Magnus Dictus: The Collected Writings of Jake Stratton-Kent

England’s Hadean Press recently published  Thus Spake Magnus Dictusthe collected writings of Jake Stratton-Kent.Their website sayeth:

“After almost a decade in the making, we are delighted to announce the release of Thus Spake Magnus Dictus: The Collected Writings of Jake Stratton-Kent (1988-1994), first published in The Equinox: British Journal of Thelema Issues 1-8 and reproduced here in a facsimile edition.

“Our very first publication through Hadean Press was Issue 9 of that Journal; we knew even then that we wanted to release the previous material someday, but could never decide or agree on just how that would happen. Earlier this year, spurred on by certain global changes, we knew the time had come.

“Thus Spake Magnus Dictus contains essays on the lunar mansions, the creation of talismans, Wicca, Thelema, English Qaballa, mantras, spells, and a Sethian ritual, as well as reviews of books, magazines, and pamphlets, and more.

“It is a testament to Jake’s wealth of knowledge, but also to an enduring friendship. Jake was the first author we worked with as Hadean Press, from there the friendship developed, and we look forward to many more years of good humour and – when the time is right – more good books!”

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