Sex Magick at Charleston Woodlands Festival

Scene from Burning ManInspired by Burning Man, Emergence is a South Carolina festival offering “radical inclusivity” and possibly a “sex magick/orgy tent.” According to the Charleston City Paper, the event is “entirely dependent on participant contributions. Some may choose to set up performances, while others focus on massage workshops, dancing, or rituals that add a spiritual aspect to the days-long reverie.” It starts March 28 at a private property just half an hour from downtown Charleston.

Holland Duelle, who owns the Charleston Woodlands site, has committed to keeping the property undeveloped. The City Paper article quotes him saying: “When I heard about their event, it just really resonated with the spirit that we’re looking for out there. People who are interested in it appreciate nature and celebrating the location.”

Renée Orth, the lead organizer, says: “It’s not anything that most people have experienced. There’s a deep reverence that happens at these events, for life and for nature.”

The event costs $119 per person, covering site and insurance costs.

Inspired by Burning Man, Charleston’s Emergence aims for “radical inclusivity” and a little “sex magick,” if you’re OK with that

Emergence Burn-Spiritual Revival Invitation Request Form


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