OTO USA Grand Lodge Strategic Planning Secretary Announced

In 2005-2006 e.v., the National Grand Master General formed a Strategic Planning Group for the purpose of outlining the vision and goals of our Order in the United States. These Brothers and Sisters undertook the complex task of setting goals Order-wide. Some of the results of this effort can be found in the “Mission & Planning” section here on the USGL website. Many of these goals of the original strategic plan have been accomplished, but some remain aspirational. We thank the members of the group for their service.

In this new strategic planning cycle, we face challenges that call for a more streamlined and “agile” process than the deliberative process used previously. To that end, we are pleased to announce that on August 22nd, 2017 e.v., the Executive established the office of the USGL Strategic Planning Secretary, and appointed Sr. Melissa Holm to that office for a renewable term of five years.

The Strategic Planning Secretary will act as a consultant and facilitator to the governing bodies and leaders of USGL in the formulation of strategic plans in their areas of focus, ensuring that these plans are in alignment with USGL stated goals and priorities, and tracking incremental project progress toward the fulfillment of these goals.

Sr. Melissa’s plan is to implement the planning process over time, in quarterly increments–contacting USGL officers each in their turn to initiate the goal setting process. The first steps are already underway. The membership will be able to follow along with the progress of the strategic planning process via regular reports here and in Agapé.

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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