OTO Official Part of Mardi Gras Parade

Alombrados Oasis, the Chartered Local Body of Ordo Templi Orientis in the Valley of New Orleans inaugurated its first official Carnival krewe this year, “Krewe What Thou Wilt.”  The Krewe paraded Saturday, January 31 under the aegis of the Krewedelusion, who immediately follow Krewe Du Vieux’s parade through the Marigny and French Quarter neighborhoods.  Standing in the crowd on the side of Royal Street, just past St. Roch, it’d be this observers opinion that Krewe What Thou Wilt did a fabulous job of both their costuming and coming up with some wonderful “throws” (the giveaways paraders throw to the spectaculars — usually shiny, plastic beads and plastic coins or “dubloons). As they paraded by dressed in plain EGC robes, Priestess and Priest vestments etc. following a huge banner saying “Krewe What Thou Wilt; Alombrados Oasis; Ordo Templi Orientis”, they were greeted by happy shouts, applause and whistles and cries of “Throw me something special!”


Kreme manKrewe ladyKrewe man 2

Frater Lux Ad Mundi


  1. 93 all,
    We also handed out about 400 Liber OZ documents and had a giant scarab with the Stele of Revealing on its belly! That night ‘The Law was for all!’
    93 93/93

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