Anniversary of Isaac Newton’s Election to Royal Society

On this day in 1671, Isaac Newton was elected a member of England’s Royal Society, of which he became president some 32 years later. While he’s come to be considered one of the fathers or at least popularizers of a mechanistic view of the universe the Isaac Institute for Mathematical Science’s biography points out these interests as well:

“Newton left a mass of manuscripts on the subjects of alchemy and chemistry, then closely related topics. Most of these were extracts from books, bibliographies, dictionaries, and so on, but a few are original. He began intensive experimentation in 1669, continuing till he left Cambridge, seeking to unravel the meaning that he hoped was hidden in alchemical obscurity and mysticism. He sought understanding of the nature and structure of all matter, formed from the “solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles” that he believed God had created. Most importantly in the “Queries” appended to “Opticks” and in the essay “On the Nature of Acids” (1710), Newton published an incomplete theory of chemical force, concealing his exploration of the alchemists, which became known a century after his death.”

“Newton also wrote on Judaeo-Christian prophecy, whose decipherment was essential, he thought, to the understanding of God. His book on the subject, which was reprinted well into the Victorian Age, represented lifelong study. Its message was that Christianity went astray in the 4th century AD, when the first Council of Nicaea propounded erroneous doctrines of the nature of Christ. The full extent of Newton’s unorthodoxy was recognized only in the present century: but although a critic of accepted Trinitarian dogmas and the Council of Nicaea, he possessed a deep religious sense, venerated the Bible and accepted its account of creation. In late editions of his scientific works he expressed a strong sense of God’s providential role in nature.”

Read the entire biographical sketch here:

And watch a short biographical film here:


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