Advice About Transgender Issues by a Trans Woman

Serena Daniari

Confused about transgender issues? Want to learn what it’s like to be trans? Need to know what to expect when navigating the gender spectrum? There’s a column to help you!

Meet Serena Daniari, a correspondent at Mic and a trans woman. In December, she led a project called Walking While Trans exploring trans individual’s experiences existing in public spaces. Yesterday she launched Transplaining, a weekly advice column delving into trans issues:

As a member of the trans community, it is both a responsibility and a privilege for me to expand the conversation that began with Walking While Trans in order to open minds and amplify trans issues. If we look at the media landscape, there’s a clear lack of authentic trans stories being told by actual trans people who have endured the historical and contemporary realities of trans identity. Current media coverage of trans issues often focuses on the epidemic of transgender homicides, military bans and “bathroom bills.” The reality is that trans existence is much more robust.

… No topic — from dating to sex to the process of transitioning itself — is off-limits. Although I can’t speak for the entire trans community, I hope to provide an understanding of trans identity through the lens of my own experiences and insights. This column aims to celebrate and clarify what it means to be trans in the 21st century.

Introducing Transplaining, a weekly advice column by Serena Daniari

Walking While Trans


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